Get your official 13th Annual Bar Stool Open tee shirt today – and pick the style, size, and color that fits you!  

Order your shirt today so you're sure to get your Bar Stool Open in time for the big event on August 10.  This year's Bar Stool Open features two different designs, each provided by our friends at Midnet Media.

1.  Full Color Shirt:  Features a full color logo and looks best on a white or sand background (you get to pick!)  GET YOURS NOW

2.  Black Logo, Color Shirt:  Features a black Bar Stool Open logo that can be placed on any light-colored shirt (pick your color!)  GET YOURS NOW

Value shirt prices start at under $21 – and you get to pick your style!  Oh, and the LIA still receives the proceeds and puts 100% toward restoring Grand Lake St. Marys.

The only question is:  which shirt will you wear at the Bar Stool Open this year?  (Don't want to buy a shirt? Make your own and enter the Tee Shirt Design Contest for a chance to win cash prizes!).

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