Grand Lake St. Marys State Park Manager Brian Miller recently warned boaters of new hazards on the lake:

Boaters also should be mindful of a number of new buoys and posts scattered throughout the lake, including the middle portion. The devices are part of the alum treatment process slated to take place next month.

“We installed four 4-by-6 posts this week on the corners of the alum treatment,” Miller said, noting the devices will help collect data. “We put solar-powered flashing lights and buoys around them. Typically we don’t have any in the mid-lake but this year they are scattered throughout and people need to be mindful.”

Another obstacle Miller warned about was dredging pipes. Miller encouraged boaters to steer clear of the pipes when the dredges are in operation.

“People need to be mindful of the dredge pipe,” Miller said. “On weekends, the pipe will be sunk to the bottom of the lake. During the week, it sits on and comes to the surface so anyone boating needs to be mindful of that dredge pipe and stay out.”

Dredges are currently operating in the Northwood subdivision, Kozy Campground and Coldwater Creek.


By Mike Burkholder, The Evening Leader

